Monday, July 19, 2010

The Best Compliment

I decided today that I need to revive this old blog. I never did too much with it before... we'll see how I do this time.


As a mom I frequently wonder if I'm doing a good job. Today was one of those days. I questioned whether I had provided my grown sons (and their 8-yr-old sisters) with the correct balance of training, guidance, independence, and support they needed to be the caring, responsible, independent, and productive adults I always envisioned. The answer I received was unexpected... 

I recalled a conversation I had with a dear friend last week. We were discussing the trials of parenthood--broken curfews and such--when she gave me the best compliment a mom could ask for. She told me she had tried some of the same parenting techniques/attitudes as me after hearing about how I had handled my sons' "adventures" (and other issues related to teenagers) over the years.

It was then I realized that I must not have done too bad over the years.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo. Teri, your last sentence says so much. You done good. Keep this blog going.
